Notes on use

Useful tips and information about using the Wir sind Bund website, a service provided by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.
The notes on use cover the following topics:

  • Browser compatibility
  • Accessibility
  • Navigation options
  • Contents
  • Changing font size
  • Changing language
  • PDF documents

Browser compatibility

The web pages are optimised for output in modern browsers regardless of the device used. The pages use JavaScript. JavaScript is firmly integrated into current browser versions.
You can also use parts of this website if you have deactivated JavaScript use in your security settings. However, some functions and navigation mechanisms are restricted when JavaScript is deactivated.


This service was implemented according to the guidelines of the Ordinance on Barrier-Free Information Technology pursuant to the Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act (BITV).

Navigation options

The pages are structured uniformly, and the navigation and content are divided into separate areas. The structure is divided by headings.


The basic structure of the page is shown via the table of contents. By clicking the respective link, you will be taken to the appropriate page.

Changing font size

You can configure the font size individually in the browser according to your viewing habits. The specific options for adjusting settings vary depending on the browser used.

PDF documents

You need a pdf reader to be able to read documents in Portable Document Format (PDF). PDF readers are integrated as a fixed element of all common browsers.

We have been offering barrier-free PDFs since May 2009. All barrier-free PDFs are marked with a note (barrier-free). Please feel free to contact us if you would like an older PDF document or publication to be barrier-free (please quote: Barrier-free PDF)

A small number of documents are not barrier-free for a variety of reasons. These are marked accordingly.