How to apply


Just google: In every larger town there are associations that specialise in preparing career starters for the application process!

How do I write the perfect application? Most people have probably asked themselves this question at one time or another. No need to get nervous: It doesn’t have to be perfect! However, you should follow a few basic rules to increase your chances of getting an interview.

First of all, you should take enough time for your covering letter and not just dash off a few lines in a hurry. Show who you are and what’s important to you - no copy-and-paste! Also, try to see things from the other person’s point of view: What are the expectations of the authority I am applying to?

You can find out how to write a good application on the planet-beruf website of the Federal Em-ployment Agency, for example.
And remember: Four eyes see more! There is bound to be someone among your friends or family who would be happy to proofread your application.

Who can I talk to when choosing a career?

  • Federal Employment Agency
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Industrie und Handelskammer, IHK)
  • Chamber of Crafts (Handwerkskammer, HWK)
  • BundesElternRat/Deutscher Elternverein e.V.
  • Competence agencies
  • Training fairs/career choice fairs