If things go wrong

How is the second attempt working out?

Unfortunately, you didn’t get the apprenticeship you wanted this year. It’s understandable to be angry or disappointed at first. But don’t panic: Just because it didn’t work out straight off this time doesn’t mean you’re not the right person for the job. There are plenty of applicants who only find what they are looking for the second time around. In most cases, it helps to prepare the application process better. Ask yourself honestly: How did I do in the tests? Where were my strengths? Where do I need to put in more time and practice?

How can I prepare myself in the best possible way?

There are many resources on the Internet, in bookshops and in libraries that deal specifically with written selection procedures. They show you how these tests work and give you examples of real tests to practise. On the Federal Employment Agency’s site planet-beruf.de you can practice such selection tests at home.

You have already taken part in an interview? Then, if possible, you should write down the questions afterwards and make your own exercise guide. Because the questions in job interviews are often very similar. And here too: Practice makes perfect! The more you go through the questions at home and think about your answers, the more relaxed you will be in the actual application situation.

Why fairs are important

Another important opportunity that you shouldn’t miss are training fairs. At the fair stands, you have the opportunity to hold a relaxed conversation and ask all your questions - with precisely the people who will later also carry out the application procedure. In this way, you receive information first hand! So always have your application portfolio with you, then if the situation arises, you can hand it over directly to the experts there. At planet-beruf.de you can find the dates of current training fairs. Another insider tip: The brochure for apprentices of the Federal Ministry for the Environment (Bundesumweltministerium). This little guide contains tips to help you overcome the first hurdles on your way into the world of work.

We make everyone fit for training

We want to encourage and empower everyone to start an apprenticeship in the public service! The Federal Employment Agency supports us in this endeavour. It offers special measures for young people with a migration background in order to prepare them to start their training. The programme fills knowledge gaps, improves language skills or offers important work experience through internships. The perfect jumpstart for all those who want to prepare themselves to start their apprenticeship!

FÖJ, FSJ or BFD? Your options for a voluntary gap year

You’re still unsure where the journey should take you? And you’re worried about making the wrong decision? There is a solution for that too! For example, you can complete a year of "Voluntary Environmental Service" (Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr, FÖJ) or "Voluntary Social Service" (Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr, FSJ). Both measures are promoted by the Federal Employment Agency and give you time and peace of mind to make the right career choice later on. Since the end of compulsory military service and the alternative civilian service, there has also been the Federal Volunteer Service (Bundesfreiwilligendienst, BFD). This also offers you numerous opportunities to orient yourself professionally.

You’re dissatisfied with your training?

Plan A doesn’t work?

Don’t panic, the alphabet has 25 more letters!
Don’t force yourself through your training at any price! Have the courage to change something or start over if you’ re not happy.

At first you were delighted to get the apprenticeship, but it soon became clear: This job really isn’t for you! Maybe you don’t identify with your tasks or you find it difficult to achieve the learning objective? Don’t worry, it can happen! No one is forced to do a job they don’t like. Before you quit, though, take some time to think about where your dissatisfaction comes from. Talk to your parents or good friends again. Speaking to the head of training might also help to clarify the matter. Is there perhaps a solution to your problem?

How do I terminate my training relationship?

The first three months of your training are considered a trial period. If you’re sure that the profession is not right for you, you can terminate your training relationship without notice (Section 22 subs. 1 of the Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz - BBiG)). If you are under 18, your parents have to give their consent first. Your employer also has the right to terminate without notice.

Not passed the exam?

Your training went really well and at the end you have to take the exam. What happens if you don’t pass? Here too, of course, there are solutions!
First of all, it’s important to know that everyone has failed an exam at some point - there’s no shame in that! There are 1,000 reasons why you don’t necessarily achieve your best in every exam situation. In such cases, remind yourself of the many challenges you have already successfully mastered in your life! There is absolutely no reason why it shouldn’t work now too.

If you don’t pass the first time, you can simply repeat the exam. This extends the training relationship at your request until the next possible repeat examination, but by a maximum of one year (Section 21 subs. 3 of the Vocational Training Act). Your training authority usually has offers up its sleeve to support you exactly where things went wrong last time. It prepares you specifically so that everything goes smoothly the next time round!