How we train , Working in the Federal Administration

Cook, administrative assistant or automotive mechatronics engineer? The Federal Administration offers you a wide range of professions and professional training. In total, you can choose from over 130 state-recognised training occupations. Each Federal Ministry has a large number of authorities under its control. You can find these authorities in all the Länder - also in your area!

You want to go abroad?

During your training, most of our authorities offer you the opportunity to do so with "Erasmus+" or "Ausbildung weltweit"! Later in your professional life you can also complete assignments abroad in some authorities.

What prerequisites do you need for a career in the Federal Administration? As a rule, a qualifying secondary school leaving certificate (Mittelschulabschluss), an intermediate school leaving certificate (mittleren Schulabschluss) or completed professional training. Pay-scale employees and civil servants work in the Federal Administration.

So you definitely want to pursue a career as a civil servant? Then one of the 30 or so training courses for a career as a civil servant in the Federal Administration might be right for you. Here too, we offer a wide range of options. Depending on your interests, you can, for example, opt for an administrative position in the general and internal administration of the Federal Government or apply to the Federal Police or the Federal Criminal Police Office. From the science-based weather service to customs: Civil servants benefit from a wide range of offers from the Federal Administration.

There are four civil service careers in Germany:

  • ordinary civil service (einfacher Dienst)
  • medium-level civil service (mittlerer Dienst)
  • higher civil service (gehobener Dienst)
  • senior civil service (höherer Dienst)

The following rule of thumb applies to recruitment: The higher your school-leaving qualification, the higher you can enter.

  • ordinary civil service (secondary school leaving certificate (Mittelschulabschluss))
  • medium-level civil service (secondary school leaving certificate (Mittelschulabschluss), intermediate school leaving certificate (Mittlerer Bildungsabschluss))
  • higher civil service (advanced technical certificate (Fachhochschulreife), general university entrance qualification (Allgemeine Hochschulreife)/A-level-equivalent (Abitur))
  • senior civil service (completed university degree)

The civil service career path is open to you if you are a national of one of the following countries: Germany, a European Member State (EU citizen), Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway (EEA citizens) or Switzerland. During your training, you become a civil servant on probation (Beamtin/Beamter auf Widerruf).
Important! People of all nationalities can be employed as pay-scale employees.

If you don't come from one of the above countries, you should bear the following in mind: Your residence permit should entitle you to engage in gainful employment. This is automatically the case with some residence permits, for example, a settlement permit. The foreigners authority at your place of residence can provide you with competent advice on this.
If you have a foreign school-leaving certificate, this usually has to be recognised. At the portal Recognition in Germany you can find out how this works. You also have to have sufficient German language skills. Find out what language level you need for your application from your preferred authority.

Good prospects at the Federal Administration

No one needs to be bored at the Federal Administration! You want to move from the medium-level to the higher civil service? Thanks to intensive further training and qualification, we make it possible for you to climb the career ladder. We also offer pay-scale employees numerous opportunities for advancement. Each authority has extra departments that promote their employees in a very targeted and individual way. If you wish, you can also transfer to other authorities, including the ministries.