Our professions

Paper tiger or animal keeper? The Federal Administration offers you over 130 different opportunities! With us, you can start your training in skilled trades as well as in the fields of technology, culture or social work - we offer the right job for all inclinations! Be inspired by our varied selection. Below you will find all our occupational groups including descriptions and vacancies. Have fun browsing!

Health, sport and social affairs

Fitness first? There are numerous exciting professions in the Federal Administration for you to discover in the field of health - from geriatric nurse to dental technician.

Craft and production

Not keen on paper jams in the printer and endless meetings? Then take a closer look at the numerous skilled trades in the Federal Administration.

Information technology and telecommunications

IT is your thing? If you’re not scared of big amounts of data, then these jobs in the Federal Administration could be just right for you.

Art and culture

You don’t like to do things by the book? The Federal Administration offers many opportunities for all creative thinkers with an eye for the essentials.

Agriculture and animal husbandry

You want to be a winemaker? Or a forester? The Federal Administration offers much more than just office jobs - fresh air fanatics and animal lovers also get their money’s worth here.

Press and public relations

Something with media? At the Federal Administration we can be more specific! For example, as a media designer in sound and image.

Security and order

You know what BKA stands for? (Cyber) threats don’t scare you? Then you could be just the person for the following professions.

Other areas

Still haven't found what you're looking for? In this category we offer you many other exciting jobs - even outside the mainstream. Find out if a job as a road maintenance worker, water engineer or cook is something for you.

Technical administration

Are you a technology fan through and through? And can you also imagine studying for a degree with tenure as a civil servant? Then simply find out more on the following pages!

Environment and administration

For you, the best thing about the news is the weather forecast? Then you should definitely take a look at the job offers in this category.

Traffic, transport and logistics

You like to be "on the road"? Or you love keeping things in order? The Federal Administration offers training for career starters with the travel bug or for logistics fans.

Administration and office

You want to keep Germany on course? Discover numerous interesting jobs in administration and become a civil servant in the Foreign Service, for example.

Business, finance and marketing

You have a knack for numbers and finances? Let the Federal Administration benefit from this too by providing you with training in the field of commerce.

Science and technology

What do physics laboratory technicians and microtechnologists have in common? Both can complete their training in the Federal Administration - just as you can!

Central services and personnel

The heart of every administration: its staff! Are you interested in attracting the best staff? Would you like to help others develop their full potential in human resources development? Take a look and see if your perfect match is there!