Who we are , The Federal Administration

Join in. For Germany. For you. Become part of a modern Federal Administration. The Federal Administration is part of a big picture that you are bound to have heard of: public service. This includes about 4.9 million employees and is thus the largest employer in this country. Public service includes everyone who works for Germany - at the federal, Land and local levels. More than half a million people work in the Federal Administration alone.

Federal Administration = Boredom? Far from it! We are a modern employer that offers flexible working time models, diverse individual development opportunities and a secure professional future. We warmly welcome employees who bring an international perspective! What counts for us is performance and enthusiasm, not nationality.

Training in over 130 professions

Would you have known? The Federal Administration offers you a wide range of opportunities to complete an apprenticeship. In the ministries and federal authorities, more than 130 state-recognised professions are open to you. The spectrum of professions is wide ranging and does not stop at the classic office job! We also provide training in skilled trades or social professions. In short: Whether you are an animal keeper, an automotive mechatronics engineer, an educator, a cook, an animal keeper, a gardener, an IT specialist or an administrative assistant - there is something for everyone in the Federal Administration. In some areas we also offer a dual study programme.

My career in the Federal Administration

With or without a migration background - everyone has the chance to start a career in the Federal Administration. But what if I don’t have a German passport or wasn’t born in Germany? Which authorities actually provide training in my desired profession? And where and how exactly is it best to apply? This website helps you find the answers to all your questions.

No matter what nationality you are: We look forward to you and your commitment to shaping the future! Diversity is important to us - both people-wise and professionally. We need your experience and perspectives so we can do the best possible job for everyone in Germany as part of the public service.

Target group access

How we train

For knowledgeable, communicative, creative connoisseurs: Did you know that with around 4.9 million employees, the public sector is the largest employer in Germany? Whether as a pay-scale employee (Tarifbeschäftige) or as a civil servant (Beamte): The Federal Administration offers prospects for people of all nations in all parts of Germany.

Our professions

Paper tiger or animal keeper? The Federal Administration offers you over 130 different opportunities! With us, you can start your training in skilled trades as well as in the fields of technology, culture or social work - we offer the right job for all inclinations!